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Current Allergy / Dietary Information and Food Ingredients

Nuts and Legumes

●  Vegan pepperoni is made from pea protein, a form of a legume

●  Chicken Walnut salad has walnuts                                                    

●  Pesto sauce has almonds

●  Chinese Chicken salad has peanuts


●  Nothing in our restaurants can be guaranteed 100% gluten free because of the dusting flour from our regular pizzas. We will always do our best to minimize cross contamination.                             

●  The gluten free crust is made from rice flour.                                                            

●  All other toppings are gluten free.


Pizza Dough


●  There are no eggs, dairy, or soy in our dough. It is vegan. 


●  Our mozzarella is made using 100% whole milk and plant based rennet.

●  Our feta is made from cow's milk. This gives it a milder flavor.

●  All cheeses are made with pasteurized milk.



●  Pesto: There is parmesan cheese and nuts in the pesto.

●  Caesar: There is anchovy in the caesar dressing.

●  Garlic: Assume everything has garlic unless you know for a fact it doesn’t.

●  There is milk powder in the cinnamon spread for Cinnabomb desserts.                  

●  Our pepperoni is made from pork and beef.      

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